2-year-old girl becomes best buds with deaf puppy… ?VIDEO

When getting a dog, many families are looking for the perfect puppy. Things like responsiveness, playfulness, and a need for attention are what they look for in a new puppy. But what about dogs that can be considered imperfect? Moz, a deaf dog, is lucky to be adopted by a sweet family ready to give him all the care he’ll ever need.

By not responding to voice commands, Moz and his adoptive father face some unique challenges. Since adoption professionals are always looking to place dogs in good homes, he wasn’t sure where Moz would fit in. Having been raised and trained by other foster dogs, Moz can pick up on a lot of things and his hearing is unlikely to be a problem. Especially when he catches the eye of a two-year-old girl on his regular walks.

Lilian, a two-year-old girl, not only loves dogs, but especially loves calm and gentle ones like Moz. It has been an unbreakable bond since its inception.