This woman drives a bus. She is the first woman in town to be licensed to drive a bus.

At just 25 years old, Diana has achieved her goals by ensuring that her children are the driving force behind her actions. She even came to drive trailers in Saltillo.
Diana Mejia Bautista became the first female operator of the Torreón-San Pedro buses and was received in the best of ways at the station. The company is located on Hidalgo Avenue between Gómez Farías and Alianza streets, in downtown San Pedro, and belongs to the González group. The woman comments that she has already been driving one of the company’s buses for a week and that this is not her first time driving a heavy vehicle. She already has previous experience in a line of trailers in Saltillo, Coahuila. “I am 25 years old, I come from the ejido of San Felipe, municipality of San Pedro, Coahuila. My children are my engine and my steering wheel, they are the ones she fought for every day. Donaban is 8 years old and goes to primary school, Romina is 4 years old, she is in kindergarten and my baby, Rafael, is 2 years old. I separated from my husband, but with my efforts I bring them forward,” she says. She says driving is her passion.

Since January 2022, her ex-husband taught her the basics of trailer driving, since he is also a trailer driver, which allowed Diana to start turning professional. Later, his brother Jesús Iván will continue to teach him: license, I entered a line of trailers in Saltillo, where I lasted six months. I decided to leave because of the distance and because of my children, whom I could hardly see,” she says. “I accepted the position at the San Pedro bus station after a job advertisement was published. I arrived, they did some tests and here I am, I am lucky to be the first female operator in this company,” she says. She says the work environment is very good and her colleagues respect her.

Although the people who get on the bus are surprised and sometimes suspicious, in the end, each time they arrive at their destination, they congratulate her on her performance. “What can I say, grateful to God, to my parents Santa Laura and Ruperto who always support me, to Grupo González, especially to Juan González for giving me the opportunity. Thank you all for your well wishes and like I said, wanting is power and women, of course we can.