Their incredible dance have 131 millions view. They are fantastic!!!

This music video with cover songs and images of the dancers was made for distraction and entertainment. The images do not correspond with the music so we put the link to the original video below and ask you to access the official channel of the images to contribute with the beautiful work done by these professionals. Austrian dance group Potpourri moves between the expressive richness of hip hop and house dance culture and contemporary art.

Farah Dean and Olivia Mitterhumer with their versatile performance and management skills, since 2006 they have been trying to make niche dance styles accessible to a wider audience. Their work includes national and international dance performances, theatrical productions, music and advertising. video and training. In 2009, the group founded the international Streetdance Festival Flavourama in Salzburg, which annually gathers more than 2,000 people and is known all over the world.