Sister Sings Elvis Classic, Her Brother Adds ‘Over The Rainbow’ and It Magically Transforms Into a Chilling Duet

Fortunately, there are many siblings in the world who have quite a good and harmonious relationship and are bound to each other by a strong bond. In some cases, it is considered a shared hobby or talent, which in turn unites them.

For Ken and Capri Holland of Phoenix, Arizona, it’s their passion and love for music that keeps the peace and strengthens their sibling bond.

He is a good and talented singer and also a keyboardist, but it is Capri whose voice is simply angelic.

Together, they managed to create a unique mash-up of Elvis’ classic “Can’t Help Falling in Love” along with “Over the Rainbow,” immortalized by Judy Garland in The Wizard of Oz.

Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling in Love” is a ballad based on an old French love song. It has become popular since its release in 1961, which in turn was featured in the film Blue Hawaii and was the finale number to Elvis’ live shows in the late 1960s and into the 70s.

Kenny and Capri’s song they wove together, “Over the Rainbow” became part of Judy Garland’s signature song after her unforgettable and stunning performance in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz (the ballad won an Academy Award for Best Original Song).

You can watch Kenny and Capri’s video below. No wonder it’s closing in on 7 million views. it can be considered a lot of goosebumps.