Mini David Attenborough melts millions of hearts on Britain’s Got Talent… ?VIDEO

Anishwar Kunchala did not choose the audition for British Got Talent, he was chosen by one of the judges. After an invitation personally conveyed by David Williams to Anishwar’s class, a little boy appeared on the stage. Dressed in an explorer costume, everyone considered him the most adorable kid to audition for BGT. They asked what his passion was and immediately Anishwar replied that he loved the land.

This little boy was adamant about protecting and preserving the environment. For his performance, he recited a poem he had written while his classmates dressed as animals marched across the stage in the background. The audience cheered for Anishwar when he finished and the judges were stunned by his performance. They were so impressed by his love of the land that they even compared him to David Attenborough.

They gave him the highest compliment, predicting that he would be the next person to take over as the BBC’s favorite nature documentary narrator. He was so excited to hear this!