The Voice is an American singing competition television series that airs on NBC. It premiered during the spring television cycle on April 26, 2011. Based on the original The Voice of Holland and part of The Voice franchise, it aired for twenty-one seasons and aims to find unsigned singing talent contested by aspiring singers aged 13 and over selected through public auditions.
The series employs a panel of four coaches who critique artists’ performances and guide their teams of selected artists through the rest of the season. They also compete to ensure their actions win the competition, making them the winning coaches. The original panel featured Christina Aguilera, CiLo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton; The last twenty-first season’s panel featured Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Ariana Grande.
Other coaches from previous seasons include Shakira, Usher, Gwen Stefani, Pharrell Williams, Miley Cyrus, Alicia Keys, Jennifer Hudson and Nick Jonas. In the fifteenth season, Kelsey Ballerini was the fifth off-screen coach for the “Comeback Stage” contestants. Bebe Rexha became the coach of the Comeback Stage in the sixteenth season.