Fathers, like mothers, play different roles throughout their child’s life. When taking care of a child, a father does not have to do too many things. He can help with small things that can have a positive impact on the development of the child, and also supports the mother. It can be as simple as changing diapers, assisting with feeding if the baby is bottle fed, and preparing food, washing milk bottles, holding the baby on hands. some time or playing with it. Dad can also help bath the baby.
Keep your baby close to you by wearing a sling while walking. Once the child is old enough, dads can engage in physical play with the little ones. This develops the child’s sense of balance and coordination. Understand the needs of the wife as well as the needs of the child. Since she can often get up to feed the child, during which he can take care of all the necessary things.
Start being organized – i.e. take care of things, be it household chores, appointments, helping with diaper storage, baby clothes, etc. As a rule, mothers do everything to make their children sleep. So dad can take it too and put the baby to sleep with his singing ability.