A daughter’s relationship with her father can play a key role in their psychological development. In fact, when fathers are present in their daughters’ lives, girls grow up with a healthy sense of who they are. They are more confident in themselves and have a clearer idea of what they want in life. Learn more about what makes this connection so valuable and how to keep it going from the moment your daughter is born.
Every little child needs to know that they are loved, even if they make mistakes. And they will deteriorate. We do everything. Be careful not to ridicule, shame or humiliate them when they make bad choices. Instead, use oversight to help them learn and grow. Turn these situations into opportunities to teach them something. Be calm, patient and loving in the process.
Unconditional love does not mean the absence of consequences or discipline. Clearly explain what your child did wrong, but don’t focus on it or dwell on it. Instead, suggest how they might handle the situation differently in the future. Reassure them that although you may be disappointed, you still love them very much.