“One study found that 6-month-olds ‘danced’ to baby talk, also known as baby talk. At this age, infants show a preference for this type of speech due to exaggerated pitch changes and lengthening of sounds. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they think baby talk is music, but it does have a musical quality, so it only makes sense that they would dance to it. Older babies dance more to music than to any speech,” Neuhaus says.
So, apparently, it’s biological for babies to “boop” and move to music. But according to Ganjian, parents also influence their children to dance to the music. “A real dance is usually learned from parents who move their body, head and arms when the music starts. Children often see their parents clapping and try to either clap or move to the music.”
In addition to being very sweet to see your child dancing to music, Posner says other benefits of playing music for your child include helping with language development, and it can potentially be soothing. And that calming factor depends on what you play for them. While Ganjian says that softer music for babies is better than rough music, and music without words or slow words is better, Artzt says that any music can be helpful.