The one-year-old girl blocked the door in a charming attempt to stop her dad from going to work. It is not easy for a working parent to spend most of the day away from their children. The kids can also have a hard time – and sometimes they can just make a delightful protest. That certainly was the case with this sweet little baby. In the video below, a one-year-old girl stands in front of the door and refuses to let her father go. As uploader explained, “Our daughter in her mother tongue gets upset with her dad because she knows he’s going to go to work.” No matter how much dad tries to reason with his little girl, he’s failing.
First directly blocking his path, and then, when that didn’t work, grabbed his leg and looked at him like a puppy dog. When her father still doesn’t listen to reason, she reveals her secret weapon: tears. As soon as the cheerful baby almost burst into tears, dad rushes to the rescue with hugs. We can only assume that it took dad a LOT of hugs to get out of the house on time for work!