The America’s Got Talent 16th season audition segment continued on June 22 with an episode filled with talented performers, resulting in a unanimous vote from the judges, one gold buzzer from Sofia Vergara and one singing dog named Casper with his human partner Pam Quinn. Pam and Kasper performed quite early in the night, but by the time they got “yes” from each of the judges, I was convinced that the audition scene was the best part of AGT.
The audition stage is when artists like Pam and Kasper really start to shine. Their performance of Celine Dion’s “All by Myself” was hilarious and impressive in its own way, even though some of the judges felt that Pam was dominating the mic and more of Kasper’s vocal styles could have been used in the performance. They were very fun to watch. But are Pam and Casper going to win season 16 of America’s Got Talent? To be honest, probably not. The judges go through a wide and sometimes eccentric set of performers in the audition phase before they have to start narrowing the circle even further, as do actors such as Pam and Kasper, Peacock Setward (formerly known as Setward the Caterpillar and The Walrus), acrobat Roman Kricheli and others will advance to the next stage, but they won’t have the best chance of beating show-stoppers like the gold buzzer winners.