The Carol Burnett Show was one of the longest running and most popular sketch shows, starring Carol Burnett, her co-stars Harvey Corman, Vicki Lawrence and Lyle Waggoner. Other guests on the show included Tim Conway, Aidy Gorme and Joan Rivers.
Harvey Corman portrayed a “hilarious impersonation” of Johnny Carson and did a great impersonation of him. He proved to be a great comic partner, along with the handsome Lyle Wagoner, who portrayed the co-host of The Johnny Carson Show.
Carroll’s show was known for its great comedy and fun and colorful outfits. The comedy Donna Rose & The Magnificents was no different. However, costume designer Bob Mackey came up with the most colorful and sparkling costume the audience would ever know.
Last but not least, the humorous song with fun dance moves made the audience laugh uncontrollably. The iconic music and the hilarious portrayal of the girl group members, which only lasted for one day, made the skit memorable.