A Whale falls in love with an aquarium worker and now they have the most adorable relationship ever!!!

Whale loves him so much that he is even jealous of his female colleagues.
As the room filled with the playful screeching of the whales, the crew laughed at the “harmless offense”.

The beluga whale is known as Tina, and Tina may be a jealous partner because of how he treated the female aquarium staff. In the video taken at the aquarium, the female worker wasn’t actually doing anything to the whale, but it still dived, took a gulp of water, and then spat it out.

It’s hard to believe at first, but his behavior seemed consistent. Tina was always giggling and “smiling” when her favorite manager came over. His environment was new and he was surrounded by strangers. The man then said he helped Tina adjust to this phase.

To prove the employee’s point, the female team members asked the whale for a kiss. Instead of jumping out of the water and kissing them on the lips, as it does with the man it loves, the beluga whale just turns around with its lips.