A diverse range of performers on America’s Got Talent has always been. Aubrey Burchell is one of those astonishing people who happens to be neurodivergent.
Aubrey hits the stage dressed in a rose dress with matching red hair. She gives a nervous hello. When asked about herself, she opens up to the judges.
She brings up how she’s from Pennsylvania and works at Target. Aubrey talks about how she would sing on her breaks to feel better.
When asked about her dreams, she stresses she wants to win awards and sell out arenas. She also speaks of being diagnosed with autism. Through tears, Aubrey says she wants to inspire others with autism.
One of the judges wishes her good luck. The audience cheers as she prepares to sing. Aubrey cranes her neck before the piano starts.
Aubrey sings deeply the lyrics of ‘Call Out My Name.’ Cheers start erupting at her emotional performance. She sings with her eyes closed and her body moving.
As she hits a high note, the audience erupts. She shoots another high note, and the crowd goes wild again. Terry Crews claps for her off stage.
As Aubrey continues, even the judges start clapping. You can see the judges being enraptured by her performance. Aubrey starts getting into it as she works the microphone.
When she finishes, Aubrey covers her face with tears. The audience all stands to cheer and clap. The judges also give her a standing ovation.
The judges all agree Aubrey has a fantastic voice. Aubrey is nervous and tearful as she listens to their admiration.
Simon stresses how Aubrey made the song her own. He also notes how her career is about skyrocket—the audience cheers at his approval.
An emotional Aubrey says thanks. The judges all vote yes. Simon responds, ‘Obviously, yes!’ The audience stands for her and cheers.
There was little doubt as the song started that Aubrey was going to the finals. It’s all the more joyful that she sang as an inspiration for anybody with autism.