A 7-year-old Louisville girl has become a viral sensation while battling a rare blood disease…

Internet users were captivated by a six-year-old girl dancing zumba incendiary. Attention to the video published on Youtube was attracted not only by the girl’s talent, but by her courage and courage in the fight against a serious illness. Audrey Netheri suffers from a rare disease: at birth, doctors diagnosed the child with Diamond-Blackfan anemia, which provokes abnormal bone growth, as well as disorders in the development of the cardiovascular system and blood composition. However, even such a disease does not prevent the baby from living a full life and having fun dancing with others.

The video captures a fragment of the International Convention of Zumba Instructors in Orlando. Audrey was invited there in order to draw public attention to the problems of sick children. In a short time, Zumba performed by Audrey has collected more than three million views and many donations to the fund for helping children with anemia. It is worth noting that this is not the only video with the participation of a six-year-old American woman on the Internet: the girl’s father regularly publishes videos about his daughter’s life online.