23-Year-Old Granddaughter Graduates College With Her 88-Year-Old Grandpa whose lifelong dream has been to earn a college degree…

Graduation is a significant event for anyone. But it’s pretty remarkable to see an 88-year-old grandfather graduate from college next to his 23-year-old granddaughter.

It is never too late to achieve your dream. This elderly man has been trying to finish his degree since the 1950s. He has been in and out of schools, and “it has been one of his goals and dreams in life.”

However, Rene Neira took a different path, fell in love, got married and started a family. He was no longer able to continue his studies. In 2017, the grandfather and granddaughter duo enrolled at the University of Texas-San Antonio.

“There were times when we would have lunch together, be in the library together and just work quietly side by side,” recalls Melanie Salazar, Renee’s granddaughter and schoolmate.

They graduated last month. They took the stage together, Melanie being pushed by her grandfather’s wheelchair. He graduated with a degree in communications and Renee graduated with an honors degree in economics.